Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

We traveled to Lovilia/Albia for Easter.  Brody had a good time with his family.  Hopefully today he can catch up on the sleep he didn't get over the weekend.  He is not too fond of his pack and play.  Enjoy the latest pictures!

Playing with a swimming pool penguin toy.

Cautiously observing his Easter baskets.

He loves his Yo Gabba Gabba ship for the bathtub.

His very first coloring book complete with real crayons.

Checking out his new float for the pool.

Brody loves to talk on the phone!  

Brody, Mommy, and Daddy on Easter.

Brody, Grandpa, and Grandma on Easter.

Brody, Grandpa, and Grandma on Easter.

Showing off my belly.

Brody got to ride on a real tractor.  He loved it!

Brody steering with Grandpa on his big tractor.

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