Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer fun!

We are one week into summer vacation and have settled into a great routine. Brody still gets up at or before 6 am daily. He is still taking two naps during the day. He has finally settled into a good nap routine, right when I was trying to wean him down to one nap. He is clearly not ready for this transition yet. We'll try later. I am truly enjoying spending my days with Brody. We have kept busy going to the park and playing outside daily. We have some playdates set up this summer with some of my other coworkers who have had kids. Brody is the first of 11 babies born in my building since December 2007.

Brody continues to amaze us daily. He has now mastered the words "ouch" and "hot". Mostly I hear the words "drink" which he pronounces "dink" and "daddy". Brody is going to visit his babysitter and her kids tomorrow. I can tell he misses them and they have let me know that they miss him as well. I'm sure he will enjoy catching up with them tomorrow.

Alien Boy in Daddy's sunglasses!

Eating my applesauce.

Look at my new hair cut! I didn't do as well this time with sitting still. There was too much to see.

Here is a fun game Brody likes to play while I fold laundry.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

17 Months!

Brody is 17 months old today.  It was a big day!  I am officially done with school for the summer as of today.  It was Brody's last day at daycare and it was a sad one.  We are going to visit a lot this summer as Brody will be returning to Missy's this fall.  

Brody enjoys playing outside now that the weather has gotten nicer.  He loves running around in the yard.  He also has been giving us the sweetest hugs lately.  We love it!  Brody has been suffering from a cold/allergies lately and we have been giving his inhaler treatment quite a bit.We have wiped his nose a few times too apparently because now he knows what a tissue is for.  He will walk over to the box of tissues, grab one, hold it up to his nose/mouth, and then start coughing into it.  It is adorable. 

Brody's vocabulary is really developing as well.  I made a list of the words he now says and I wanted to share them on our blog.  

Words Brody can say:

mama daddy Josh all done bye

down downstairs uh-oh tractor Caes (short for Caesar)

kitty nana thanks door shoe

oh drink up cheese okay

hi more keys outside

I'm sure I'm forgetting a few others... 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Busy Boy

Here are the latest pictures.  We have been super busy lately.  School is out tomorrow with summer vacation officially starting on Friday.  It has been a long year and I can't believe Brody turns 17 months old in a few days!

Asleep on the long ride home.  Brody has been a better traveler now that his carseat is facing forward. 

Little Jailbird.  Travis bought Brody this Alcatraz jumpsuit when he went to San Fran last fall.  It finally fits him and we couldn't wait to take his picture!  Poor baby!

Something is sure funny!

My new favorite way to sit. 

Brody is pouting because he was told "no".  Priceless picture!