Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer fun!

We are one week into summer vacation and have settled into a great routine. Brody still gets up at or before 6 am daily. He is still taking two naps during the day. He has finally settled into a good nap routine, right when I was trying to wean him down to one nap. He is clearly not ready for this transition yet. We'll try later. I am truly enjoying spending my days with Brody. We have kept busy going to the park and playing outside daily. We have some playdates set up this summer with some of my other coworkers who have had kids. Brody is the first of 11 babies born in my building since December 2007.

Brody continues to amaze us daily. He has now mastered the words "ouch" and "hot". Mostly I hear the words "drink" which he pronounces "dink" and "daddy". Brody is going to visit his babysitter and her kids tomorrow. I can tell he misses them and they have let me know that they miss him as well. I'm sure he will enjoy catching up with them tomorrow.

Alien Boy in Daddy's sunglasses!

Eating my applesauce.

Look at my new hair cut! I didn't do as well this time with sitting still. There was too much to see.

Here is a fun game Brody likes to play while I fold laundry.

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