Brody's latest obsession continues to revolve around trains. He has discovered Thomas the Train and we are now recording those shows on the DVR. Brody is all boy and loves making the sounds to accompany his trains and cars that he drives around the house. Enjoy the latest pictures!
He loves to play with pillows.
I am 21 months old today!
Popping a wheelie with the tractor.
Pointing at the train going by.
Opening day for the Bears. Matching jerseys. Too bad Urlacher is out for the year =(.
Oh yes, the old Tigger costume! Brody is also going to be Tigger for Halloween this year!
Going for a ride with Grandpa.
A little cowboy.
Making cupcakes with Nana.
Putting his bear on his booster seat.
Taking his bear for a ride on the tractor.
He loves his tractor!
Brody loves the new kitchen floor. Grandpa got him this shirt when he went to watch his new tractor being built.
Sidewalk chalk fun.
Brody could play outside all day if we could!
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