We are almost a month into summer vacation and I finally found a moment to post (actually 3 posts today...a record, so keep scrolling down for lots of new pictures!). We can't use the computer when Brody is awake because he wants the computer NOW! We have been keeping busy by playing outside, going to the zoo, and visiting with friends and family. Brody visits his daycare friends once a week to help him remember them, and then I spend the time cleaning or finishing small projects around the house.
Our summer is shaping up to be a busy one. Brody was shell shocked over the weekend with everyone here for the CWS. We had 10 people in our house this past weekend. Just a little crowded! He has recovered from the craziness and we look forward to a quiet day tomorrow. Brody is going to be 18 months old this Sunday on his Uncle Curt's birthday. We are getting his pictures taken on Friday and can't wait to see how he reacts. He only seems to smile when Lindsey takes his picture, so I think I'm going to see what she's doing this Friday... Enjoy the latest pictures!
We took Brody to the CWS Opening Ceremony fireworks on Friday night. We weren't sure how he would do since they didn't start until 9:45 and his bedtime is around 8:30. He was a wild boy and absolutely had a blast! Enjoy the pictures!
Starting to get sleepy...
Watching the fireworks with daddy.

We had about 1 1/2 hours to waste before the fireworks. Brody entertained himself by climbing in his stroller, closing the tray to lock himself in, opening the tray, and then climbing back out. He did this over and over again for about 30 minutes and laughed the whole time.

The ride to Rosenblatt. He was all ready.
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