Brody turned 18 months on Sunday. We had his 18 month check up today. He has moved up in the weight class. He weighs 22 pounds (7th percentile). He is 32 1/8 inches long (50th percentile). His head circumference is 19 1/8 inches (76th percentile). He had a good check up and is meeting all of his developmental milestones.
Brody is a big helper now around the house. He helps me fold laundry and unload the plates in the dishwasher. He also seems to have forgotten how to walk because all he does is runs and skips around the house now. Brody likes to say "achoo" after someone sneezes. He also has started saying "shh" when he hears loud noises. Today at the doctor, he heard a baby crying and he looked at me, put his finger to his lips, and said "shh". He has also started biting. I got bit three times today. I think he is teething and is desperate to chew on something because he doesn't seem to be angry when he bites. Hopefully he doesn't mean it and he is just teething. Brody got his first taste of a lollipop today after his shots at the doctor. He loved it and kept it in his mouth until we had to get in the car. Enjoy the latest pictures!

Brody's new favorite place to play. Under the end table.
Happy Father's Day Grandpa!
Happy Father's Day Grandpa!
Happy Father's Day Daddy! Happy 18 months to Brody!
Brody talking to Grandpa on the phone in Lovilia.
He is obsessed with the land line phone. Probably because we don't have one.
Taking this eating thing seriously.
Drinking the milk from the bowl.
Taking Chyna for a walk.
Brody loved Chyna's leash and kept taking it over to her hoping to hook her onto it.
Riding the four-wheeler. Brody left for a ride on the tractor. He returned with Grandpa on the four wheeler. He loves both of them!