Brody is now seven months old! We can't believe it! Each month seems to go by faster than the next. Brody got his first two teeth over the Fourth of July weekend! He loves to bite his spoon when eating now. Brody loves jumping in his jumperoo, playing with his own laptop that Dad bought him, and chewing on everything.
He is very observant and watches everything that is going on around him. He loves to look at new things. He still loves ceiling fans, remotes, and cell phones, but now loves water bottles as well. He enjoys talking to Dad on Mom's cell phone. Brody is sitting up very well now. He is attempting to crawl, but it results in more of a scoot to get to the toy he wants. He is eating baby food very well now. He eats his baby food three times a day. He is also practicing drinking from of a sippy cup.
Brody spent his first week away from Dad when Travis had to go to San Jose for work. It was hard and he didn't sleep well at night when Travis was gone. It was so neat to see the look on Brody's face when he saw his daddy for the first time in five days. Brody is now the proud owner of a Google onesie, since Travis got to take a tour of Google from our friend Bill who works there. Brody and Mom are enjoying the last few weeks of summer vacation. Only 2 1/2 weeks until summer vacation is officially over. Where does the time go?!? Here are the latest pictures!
Happy 7 months Brody!
It is getting more difficult each month to put the sign in the picture with Brody. Last month, he kept grabbing for it, and this month the "Seven Months" sign had no chance. Brody enjoyed grabbing it every time I tried to place it in the picture.
Matching jersey and sippy cup.
Still figuring out my sippy cup.

My new high chair at Grandpa and Grandma's house.
I love the hammock!
Hanging out with Mom in the hammock.
I'm so cool in my new sunglasses.

Camryn, Regan, and Brody pose for a picture. Brody got to meet Erin and Jeff, Cheryl and Josh, and their kids, Regan and Camryn. We had a fun day of visiting and swimming.
Brody and Daddy read a bedtime story together.
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