Brody celebrated his 6 month birthday on the 21st. We can't believe how fast the time has gone! Brody had his 6 month check up today. We have a tall, skinny boy. He weighs 15 lbs. 4 oz. (20th percentile). He's 26 1/2 in. long (75th percentile). Brody is doing well and is getting his first tooth! It hasn't poked through yet, but it has made an appearance close to the surface. Brody is enjoying his cereal, fruits, and vegetables. We have tried carrots, green beans, and pears. He did not like the pears, but we'll try again soon. Some of his favorite things include: mirrors, cell phones, remotes, ceiling fans, his jumperoo, and monkeys. He can now sit on his own! He enjoys grabbing anything mom and dad are holding. He also likes to observe his surroundings.
Brody slept through the fireworks during Opening Ceremonies at the College World Series.
Brody's first CWS game. We made it through 5 innings. Longer than we thought we would.
A happy boy at the baseball game.
Getting sleepy at the CWS.

Brody and Uncle Ryan
I love to eat my toes!
Happy Father's Day daddy!
Mommy and me
I am getting better at sitting on my own!
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