Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Finally got the picture!

So Audrie pointed out that I didn't have an "after" picture of Brody's new haircut.  I told her it was pretty difficult to snap still pictures of him anymore.  Well, we succeeded, and here they are along with a few extras.  Enjoy!



My new favorite place to hang out.  In the gatorade box.

Brody was having a really tough day.  He was overly tired, so we put him in his crib to fall asleep.  He cried for about 5 minutes, and when we went to check on him, he had fallen asleep like this.  It was so funny!  We were able to move him without him waking up.  Whoosh!

Brody finally figured out how to rock by himself on his giraffe!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

14 Month Update!

Brody is 14 months old today.  To celebrate, he got his first haircut!  Travis came with me because I wasn't sure how he'd react.  He did so well!  He sat on my lap and was very patient.  We were very proud of him!  
Brody is finally 20 pounds.  We are in awe at his new tricks.  He now says a few words: dada, mama, kitty, what's that, all done, nona, uh-oh, and hi.  His newest favorite activity is to go get a book from his basket and bring it to us.  He loves to be read to.  My determination to read to him daily is finally paying off.  He is also getting really fast.  He practically runs around the house.  Brody enjoys waving bye bye and still enjoys all things technological.  Enjoy the latest pictures!

Here I come!  Watch me go!

Here I am trying out my new 2nd car seat.

I love listening to music on daddy's laptop.

We spent Valentine's Day hanging out at home.  Brody got to play in the snow for the first time. 
I love my Valentine's puppy that sings to me!

Thanks for the new tools Uncle Ryan and Aunt Audrie!

Mommy giving me a ride on Grandpa's four-wheeler.

Going for a ride with daddy on the four-wheeler.

Going for a ride with Grandpa on the four-wheeler.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wild Man!

Look at that smile!

I am a crazy boy!

Brody loves to make this noise, especially when he eats.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


We had an appointment with an allergy doctor on Thursday.  We went to find out if the blood test that pointed to a possible milk, peanut, and egg allergy was correct.  The allergist wasn't concerned, so we get to go back to whole milk for Brody.  Still no peanuts though, just in case.  Hopefully the whole milk will help him gain some weight.  He just hit 20 pounds finally.  

The allergist said that Brody's wheezing and coughing could possibly be signs of asthmatic tendencies.  It is too early to tell, so we just have to keep using the inhaler when he is wheezing or coughing.  He does this pretty regularly with every cold he gets.  Hopefully he will grow out of it.