Brody is almost 3 months old! Some of his favorite things to do include: blowing bubbles, smiling, cooing, eating his hand, taking 20 minute power naps, screaming, listening to mom and dad play Rock Band to calm him down, and making laps around the house in his Baby Bjorn with mom and dad. He had been extremely fussy for about two months, and we think we have it pinpointed to a milk sensitivity. He's been much happier since mom quit drinking milk. The next big challenge will be mom going back to work on April 1st. Luckily, it will only be for seven weeks until summer vacation comes.

I'm your Lucky Charm!

Brody shows off his "Kiss Me I'm Irish" outfit.

Brody on St. Patrick's Day.

Brody in his Cubs shirt.

I love bath time now!

Grandma Shelly was being silly and I didn't know what to think!

Look at me holding my head up during tummy time!

I love my Baby Bjorn! Especially when I'm screaming!

Mommy walked me to sleep in my Baby Bjorn.

I love eating my hand!
